Miscellaneous Items Required and Sold

Invitation for Bids
September 3, 2024 3:00 pm
September 12, 2024 3:30 pm
News Paper, PPRA
Miscellaneous Items Required and Sold

TENDER ENQUIRY # 6000002603/2606/2607/2612/2614/2619/2620/2621/2623

Item Description                                                                                   Bid Bond Amount

Tender No. 6000002603                                                                        PKR 200,000/-
Tender Selling for Supply and Installation of Air
Conditioners (1.5 Ton and 4.0 Ton)
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20683061

Tender No. 6000002606                                                                        PKR 70,000/-
Tender Selling for Supply of Portable Cabins
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20683414

Tender No. 6000002607                                                                        PKR 125,000/-
Tender Selling for Supply of Ariel Work Platform
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20683976

Tender No. 6000002612                                                                        PKR 150,000/-
Tender Selling for Automatic CFPP Apparatus
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20687757

Tender No. 6000002614                                                                        PKR 270,000/-
Tender Selling for The Supply of Automatic Viscosity
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20687927

Tender No. 6000002619                                                                        PKR 400,000/-
Tender Selling for The Supply of HFRR Apparatus
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20688043

Tender No. 6000002620                                                                      PKR 350,000/-
Tender Selling for Total Nitrogen Analyzer
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20688122

Tender No. 6000002621                                                                    PKR 300,000/-
Tender Selling for Gas Chromatograph
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20688335

Tender No. 6000002623                                                                    PKR 250,000/-
Tender Selling for Sulphur Analyzer
SAP ARIBA LINK: https://discovery.ariba.com/rfx/20688486

Bid Submission / Opening Date & Time                                              Tender Issuance Date
Through SAP ARABIA                                                                          Through SAP ARABIA

12-09-2024                                                                                              23.08.2024
To 03.09.2024

1500PST                                                                                                  /
Bid Opening:                                                                                              Free of Cost
1530 PST                                                                                                           .

Single Stage Single Envelope Bidding Process shall be adopted for above mentioned Tender. Detail of bidding
procedure is available in the Tender Documents. Interested parties are invited to obtain Tender Document by uploading
Scanned copy of the duly signed and stamped request on Company’s letterhead along with scan copies of required
documents in SAP Ariba Portal.
• The Supplier should submit the Original Bid Bond to the Manager Materials PARCO-MCR, Qasba Gujrat Mahmood
Kot, 01 day before bid opening otherwise bid shall be rejected.
• The Supplier should be registered with the federal income tax authorities and shall maintain its status as an
active/filer taxpayer with those tax authorities while rendering services to PARCO.
• Bids will be submitted up to 1500 hours on tender submission date specified in the Tender Document. Bids shall be
opened on the same day at 1530 hours. Bids should be valid for 90 days from bid opening date.
• In case, Bid Opening date is declared a public holiday, bids shall be received and opened on the first working day
following thereafter at the above stated time.
• PARCO reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to cancel the entire bidding process without assigning any
reason whatsoever before or after Bid opening.
Further information may be obtained from Materials Department-MCR, Telephone No. (92-066) 2290990-98 Ext. 2868
/2628/2826 and e-mail: waleed.ilyas@parco.com.pk/ muhammad.shakeel@parco.com.pk /khizar.khan@parco.com.pk
Manager Materials


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