Supply of 95mm 4-Core LT 1. 02/RES/F-15 Copper PVC Cable,, Supply of Transformer Oil Breakdown Voltage Tester

Invitation for Bids
September 9, 2024 12:00 am
September 10, 2024 10:00 am
News Paper, PPRA
Supply of 95mm 4-Core LT 1. 02/RES/F-15 Copper PVC Cable,, Supply of Transformer Oil Breakdown Voltage Tester

Resident Engineer Hydel Power Station Shadiwal (Gujrat) WAPDA invites sealed bids from original manufacturers / authorized distributors / supplier / contractors registered with income tax and Sale Tax Departments who are on Active Tax-Payer List (ATL) of FBR for following items at HPS Shadiwal on F.C.S basis. Biding documents may be obtained from the office of the Resident Engineer HPS WAPDA Shadiwal (Gujrat) and bids will be opened in the same office. Bids sent by registered post received later than specified date & time will not be accepted.
Bidding documents containing detailed terms and conditions, method of procurement, procedure for submission of bid, bid security, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria, clarification/rejection of bids, performance guarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders from following office during working days through depositing of Rs.4000/- (Non-refundable) for Tender Inquiry 02/RES/F-15 and Rs.3000/- for Tender Inquiry 03/RES/F-15 in official Bank A/C No. 0111-00194166-03 (RE HPS WAPDA SHADIWAL) with Habib Bank Limited Main Branch Circular Road Gujrat through Pay-order / Demand Draft / Cash Deposit Slip.
The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents along with Bid Security, must reach at the office of the Resident Engineer Hydel Power Station Shadiwal on or before 1100 Hrs. on opening date as mentioned above. Bids will be opened on same date at 1130 Hrs for Sr.1 and 1200 Hrs for Sr.2 This advertisement is also available on WAPDA website & PPRA website
The procuring agency reserves the rights to accept / reject the bids under the provision of PPRA Rules.

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